Estudio del periodismo comunitario y de la Junta Parroquial en el sector de Carapungo para la aplicación de un medio de prensa escrito alternativo


Casco Maldonado, María José

The main objective of this thesis project is the creation of an alternative printed media, that maximize the strengths of Carapungo is community journalism, in direct collaboration with the Parroquial Council. This idea arises from the market gap of the communications field at this part of Quito city, although the community has a media called Mi Barrio nos Une, it has not been well received by the residents. This was demonstrated in the surveys and research theory raised. It is, in short, a guide to understanding the true role of community journalism. For these reasons, it was necessary to compare the basic knowledge of community journalism and mass communication theories, to understand the importance of media face to society in the closeness field. To determine the role of the Carapungo is Parroquial Council in the construction of identity and community involvement in order to know the organizational form of its inhabitants, as well as defining the task of alternative media from access to new technologies and their development with traditional media as evidence of an existing need that is hidden between the population. For the study of Carapungo is community media were necessary methodological aspects (dialogue, observation and documentation) in order to understand the communication needs of the neighborhood and, with this, propose better communication strategies for the future project. Among the results of the study it found that two existing media (Mi Barrio nos Une, print, and As la radio, independent radio) are not known or represented, mostly in the area. Thus 95 percent of the population considers that the community is still needing a media involved with their needs and cultural identity. Similarly, within the overall analysis, the positive outlook of society towards traditional media were low, because they are considering that minorities are not incorporated. Now, the current challenge of alternative media is, although are not contained in any official record in Ecuador, research a greater area of visibility in the population, because although they are used individually, are the ones mostly involved with social experiences.
manera, dentro del análisis general, las perspectivas positivas de la sociedad frente a los medios tradicionales fueron pocas, pues considera que no incorporan a las minorías. El reto actual de los medios alternativos es que, a pesar de no constar en el Registro Oficial del Ecuador, poseen un mayor espacio de visibilidad en la población; aunque son utilizados de manera individual hay que reconocer que se encuentran involucrados con las vivencias sociales.

Publication Year
Repositorio Universidad de las Américas
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