Elaboración de yogurt


Paredes Freire, Dorys Elizabeth

Opaque liquid, whitish or yellowish, secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals to feed their young. Normal milk does not appear until several days after birth; the viscous fluid secreted from the moment of birth until the appearance of normal milk called colostrum. Milk consists of fat globules suspended in a solution containing the milk sugar (lactose), proteins (mainly casein) and salts of calcium, phosphorus, chloride, sodium, potassium and sulfur. However, it is deficient in iron and is inadequate as a source of vitamin C. The whole milk is composed of 80 to 90% water. Fresh milk has a pleasant smell and taste sweet. Its relative density between 1.018 and 1.045 varies, and cow's milk between 1.028 and 1.035, Most of the milk consumed in Europe is beef, but other countries prefer buffalo, goat or sheep. All contain varying proportions of the same nutrients, which are detailed in this table. Casein protein is used for purposes other than human consumption, for example, for the manufacture of adhesives, paints and plastics. The Holstein-Friesian, image, is one of the most important dairy breeds in Europe and the US. Although their milk is less substantial than other races, it is the one that produces more volume per head of cattle. Farmers milked cows every 12 hours, almost always with a milking machine. A glass tube carries the milk straight from the udder to a reservoir, preserving its taste and cleanliness. A cow produces 6,100 liters of milk per year pays production costs, but a good copy can produce 50% more.
Líquido opaco, blanquecino o amarillento, segregado por las glándulas mamarias de las hembras de los mamíferos para la alimentación de sus crías. La leche normal no aparece hasta varios días después del alumbramiento; el líquido viscoso segregado desde el momento del parto hasta la aparición de la leche normal recibe el nombre de calostro. La leche está formada por glóbulos de grasa suspendidos en una solución que contiene el azúcar de la leche (lactosa), proteínas (fundamentalmente caseína) y sales de calcio, fósforo, cloro, sodio, potasio y azufre. No obstante, es deficiente en hierro y es inadecuada como fuente de vitamina C. La leche entera está compuesta en un 80 a un 90 % de agua. La leche fresca tiene un olor agradable y sabor dulce. Su densidad relativa varía entre 1,018 y 1,045, y la de la leche de vaca entre 1,028 y 1,035, La mayor parte de la leche consumida en Europa es de vaca, pero otros países prefieren la de búfala, cabra u oveja. Todas contienen proporciones variables de los mismos nutrientes, que se detallan en la presente tabla. La proteína caseína se emplea para otros fines además del consumo humano, por ejemplo, para la fabricación de adhesivos, pinturas y plásticos.

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Repositorio Universidad Estatal de Bolivar
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