Estimulaci?n del lenguaje oral a trav?s de la literatura infantil en ni?os y ni?as de 3 a 4 a?os de la Unidad Educativa ?Herlinda Toral?


Alvarado Villavicencio, F?tima Elizabeth; Becerra Bermeo, Daniela Monserrath

A causa de la pandemia mundial limit? al infante la socializaci?n con sus compa?eros y docente siendo esta la principal fuente de desarrollo cognitivo y socio-afectivo en los infantes, por esta raz?n, la familia cumple un rol muy importante dentro de este contexto, son quienes deben colaborar desde el hogar en la educaci?n de los ni?os/as. El objetivo de esta presente investigaci?n es la intervenci?n y aplicaci?n de una gu?a de actividades l?dicas acerca de la estimulaci?n del habla mediante la literatura infantil a partir de la creaci?n de una p?gina web. El estudio hace referencia acerca de la importancia de la estimulaci?n del lenguaje dentro de los niveles del lenguaje con la ayuda de los g?neros literarios. El m?todo seleccionado fue la investigaci?n-acci?n, se aplic? una entrevista, una encuesta y una gu?a de observaci?n para el diagn?stico previo a la implementaci?n de la propuesta. Estos resultados se obtuvieron durante las practicas pre profesionales de octavo ciclo, en donde se vio la falta de estimulaci?n del lenguaje por parte de los padres de familia de los ni?os y ni?as de la inicial 1, subnivel 2 ?A? de la Unidad Educativa ?Herlinda Toral?, puesto que los infantes presentan dificultades al momento de expresarse, aplazando su proceso de ense?anza - aprendizaje. Para dar una ?ptima respuesta a esta problem?tica se vio la necesidad de dise?ar una gu?a de actividades l?dicas, gracias al diagn?stico que aplicamos con los instrumentos de evaluaci?n, se tuvo constancia que los infantes necesitaban estimularse. Para esto, se aplic? varias actividades contribuyendo la estimulaci?n de los niveles del lenguaje (fon?tico, fonol?gico, pragm?tico, morfol?gico y sem?ntico) evidenciando un progreso en la fluidez de las oraciones, articulaci?n de las letras r y s. Finalmente, se socializ? la p?gina web ?HABLO, ESCUCHO, JUEGO Y APRENDO? en la plataforma WIX.
Oral language in infants is very important since children learn to communicate within their environment, that is, with their family. When they enter Initial Education, teachers are the main source of cognitive, socio-affective development, etc. But they also require comprehensive help from verbal language, however, due to the fact that it caused a global pandemic, the infant has been limited to socialization with his classmates and teacher, for this reason the family plays a very important role within this context. they are the ones who must collaborate from home in the education of the little ones. The objective of this present investigation is the intervention and application of a guide of recreational activities about the strengthening of speech through children?s literature from the creation of a web page. The study refers to the importance of language stimulation within language levels with the help of literary genres. The selected method was action research, an interview, a survey and an observation guide were applied for the diagnosis prior to the implementation of the proposal. These results were obtained during the eighth cycle pre-professional practices, where the lack of language stimulation by the parents of the children of initial 1, sublevel 2 ?A? of the Educational Unit was seen ?Herlinda Toral?. Since infants present difficulties when expressing themselves, thus hindering their teaching-learning process. To give an optimal response to this problem, it was necessary to design a guide for recreational activities, thanks to the diagnosis that we applied with the evaluation instruments, it was found that infants needed to be stimulated within it. For this, various activities were applied, thus contributing to the stimulation of language levels (phonetic, phonological, pragmatic, morphological and semantic) ... Finally, our website is called ?I Talk, Laugh, Play and Learn? on the WIX platform.

Publication Year
Aprendizaje virtual
Literatura infantil
Lenguaje hablado
Educaci?n preescolar
Language stimulation
Children?s literature
Oral language
Recreational activities
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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