Importancia de la mejora gen?tica en la adaptaci?n al cambio clim?tico en la ganader?a


Balarezo Cisneros, Elena Dorothea

The dairy industry is facing many challenges. It has to increase production while at the same time reduce its environmental impact. It also has to overcome the impacts of future climate change. For these reasons the dairy industry has to become more efficient. This project is focused on genetic improvements as an adaptation option to overcome the impacts on the dairy industry of climate change. The objectives of this project are to address gaps in the impacts of climate change on the whole dairy system, and to investigate the potential of genetic improvement in pasture and animals to overcome negative impacts of a warmer and dryer climate. In order to achieve these objectives DairyMod was set up to take into account the different management practices and climate variability of two farms, one in Gippsland and the other in South Australia. Firstly it modelled the impacts of climate change on pasture growth, feed consumption, and lactation, and then modeled pasture growth, feed consumption and lactation in future climate change years with better adapted pastures and livestock. Climate change will affect pasture growth patterns by contracting the spring growing season. Additionally climate change will decrease feed consumption and decrease lactation. The most effective adaptation option in order to overcome the impacts of climate change in pasture growth is the combined adapted perennial ryegrass DR+HT, while the most effective adaptation options to overcome the impacts in total feed consumption are the multiple adaptations FCE+DR+HT and the combined adapted perennial ryegrass DR+HT. The multiple adaptations FCE+DR+HT are also the most effective adaptation option in order to overcome the decrease in lactation. These results indicate that in order to adapt a dairy system it is necessary to implement genetically adapted ryegrass and genetically adapted dairy cattle at the same time. It concludes that future climate change will impact different areas to different extents, with the farm in Gippsland being more affected than South Australia. Similarly, the implementation of adaptation options will overcome the impacts of future climate change to different extents. The genetically adapted ryegrass and livestock also need to be implemented together with management adaptation practices in order to maintain production and farmers profitability. The paper recommends further research should be done in how to manage the uncertainty of future climate change, and in the use of multiple traits in the genetic adaptation.
El presente estudio identifica las caracter?sticas gen?ticas que deben tener los pastos y los animales para poder mitigar los impactos del cambio clim?tico en la industria ganadera. El estudio est? basado en fincas ganaderas bajo el sistema postoril. En el estudio primero se identifican los impactos del cambio clim?tico en la industria ganadera hasta el 2080. Despu?s se identifica en que grado las mejoras gen?ticas de pastos y animales ayudan a mitigar los impactos del cambio clim?tico. Tambi?n se identifica que mejoras gen?ticas se deben realizar para mitigar el cambio clim?tico de acuerdo a la localizaci?n de las fincas ganaderas.

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Repositorio SENESCYT
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