Estrategias did?cticas activas para el rescate del conocimiento ancestral sobre el Linchi con los alumnos del sexto grado en la UECIB ?Tupak Yupanki?


Quituizaca Ortega, Irene Corali

La propuesta pedag?gica de etnosaberes que se presenta en este documento, surge a partir de trabajo de investigaci?n realizado con los alumnos de sexto grado de la Unidad Educativa Comunitaria Intercultural Biling?e UECIB ?Tupak Yupanki? ubicada en Saraguro-Loja. A trav?s de la observaci?n y participaci?n en las aulas de clase, se evidenci? una separaci?n entre las mallas curriculares, programas de ense?anza y variables, tales como la interacci?n con el contexto cultural y la recuperaci?n de conocimientos ancestrales, etc. Adem?s, se destaca la carencia de registros escritos en cuanto a la importancia cultural y tradicional que representa para la comunidad el uso del Linchi. La investigaci?n tuvo como objetivo determinar si las estrategias did?cticas activas se pueden aplicar para rescatar el conocimiento ancestral sobre el Linchi con los alumnos del sexto grado en la UECIB ?Tupak Yupanki?, para lo cual se trabaj? desde un enfoque basado en el rescate cultural del Linchi, desde una perspectiva pedag?gica, para lograr as? el fomento y puesta en pr?ctica de una Educaci?n Intercultural Biling?e contextualizada. As?, el inter?s del presente trabajo reside en la creaci?n de un precedente frente a la relevancia cultural del uso del Linchi como herramienta dentro de las actividades cotidianas. Para cumplir con el objetivo del trabajo, se dise?? una propuesta pedag?gica que, contiene como actividades principales, aquellas que involucren saberes y conocimientos ancestrales relacionados a la cultura propia. UchillaYuyay Kay killkay rurayka yachakuy munay paktay rikuchinmi, Tupak Yupanki ishkay pura hatun yachana wasi, sukta niki yachakuy watamanta llukshin, kay yachana wasika Saraguro kuskapimi sakirin, riksishpa, rikushpa, rurashpa yachana ukupi rurarkani, yachakuy linchi rakirishkakunata, rikurkanchik, kay llankayka yanapanakushka yachaykancha paktachishkami kan. Punta yachaykunaka ayllu llaktakunapi linchi ruraymanta killkashka pankakunaka mana tiyashka, chayta rikushpa kikin kawsayta wi?achinkapak shuk sumak yuyay tapuyta rurarkani, ima shina chay linchi ruray yachaytakawawakunawan yachana ukupi chay rurankapak yuyarirkani. Chay yuyarishkamanta, Sumak rimay yachayta uyashpa linchi rurayta allita llamkarkani, yachakuy munay pakta rikuna kuskamanta all? llamkayta rurashpa, ishkay pura yachanakunata sumakta hawayachinkapak. Chay llamkay munay charishkamanta wallpaypi kawsanka ?awpa yuyayta may chanishpa kawsanami kan, yachay munay paktankapakka ashtawan achka llamkaykunata rurashpa sumakta chakrurinakuchun, ?awpa yachaykunaka pakta pakta yachachishpa sumak yachayta sinchinyachinkapak.
The pedagogical proposal of ethno-knowledge, which is presented in this document, arises from research work conducted with sixth grade students of the Intercultural Bilingual Community Education Unit UECIB "TupakYupanki" located in Saraguro-Loja. Through observation and participation in the classrooms, a separation between the curricular frameworks, teaching programs and variables such as interaction with the cultural context, recovery of ancestral knowledge, etc. was evidenced. In addition, the lack of written records regarding the cultural and traditional importance that the use of Linchi represents for the community is highlighted. The objective of the research was to determine the active didactic strategies that can be applied to rescue the ancestral knowledge about the Linchi with sixth grade students at the UECIB "TupakYupanqui", for which we worked from an approach based on the cultural rescue of the Linchi from a pedagogical perspective, to achieve the promotion and implementation of a true Intercultural Bilingual Education. Thus, the interest of the present work lies in the creation of a precedent regarding the cultural relevance of the use of Linchi as a tool in daily activities. To fulfill the objective of the work, a pedagogical proposal was designed that contains as main activities those that involve ancestral knowledge and wisdom related to their own culture.
Licenciado/a en Ciencias de la Educaci?n Intercultural Biling?e

Publication Year
Saberes ancestrales
Estrategias did?cticas
Pr?cticas culturales
Revitalizaci?n cultural
Ancestral knowledge
Didactic strategies
Cultural practices
?awpa yachay
Yachay ruray
kawsayta sinchiyachik
Repositorio Universidad Nacional de Educación
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